Emily’s surprise party went great!! Totally a group effort pulling this off and keeping it a secret !! Not only did Emily pass her course….Emily passed as VALEDICTORIAN……definition below!!! ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!!

  1. a student, typically having the highest academic achievements of the class, who delivers the valedictory at a graduation ceremony.


STRENGTH Back Squat 6 x 6 @ 70% last set do a push set

alternate with single arm rows 8/8…….3 point aligenment for back, hold on to bench or kneel

WOD “Pistol Snake Bite” AMRAP in 15 Minutes 7 Deadlift **NO dropping from the top 14/14 Alternating Pistols, use box or hold on 21 Double Unders/ Unbroken SCALED DOWN VERSION OF WOD “Pistol Snake Bite” AMRAP in 15 Minutes 7 Deadlift **NO dropping from the top 14/14 Alternating Pistols, use box or hold on 100 SINGLE SKIPS … do weakest skip