This is last years post, throw back Friday.   Coach Rachel, Chris and Coach Jas

doing a plank off.

12 days of xmas Wod


30 minute time cap

It’s like the song do #1 then #2 and 1 again, 3, 2, 1 then 4, 3, 2, 1 get it 🙂 FUN FUN FUN

  1. 10 mountain climbers/skips/ jumping jacks
  2. Thrusters 95/65
  3. Front squats 96/65
  4. Tuck jumps or squats 
  5. Pull ups/ring rows
  6. 30 sec plank stationary or moving
  7. Bicep curls
  8. dips/ ring or bench OR SKULL CRUSHERS 
  9. Wall balls
  10. Burpees with or without weights USED FOR  bicep curls
  11. 11 hollow rocks
  12. Push ups or rope climb ….. how mean!!!