Friday Fun Day

This is your war up for TEST week next week…. lets see where you are and work toward your goals 

Warm up …..Choose your MB wisely… this is a warm up

8m EMOM 50% 1 rm

Clean Shrug Pull

Clean + 5 Front Squat + Jerk



Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 45/35  dumbbell S A Snatch  /MW
10 med ball side to side push ups holding plank position.
1020 box jumps


 Accessory / Joint Health 3-4 rounds

1a) 8 ps DBells (small) external rotation in side plank

1b) 12  banded face pulls

1c) Single arm suitcase  carry 100 ft  / arm

1d) 8ps single leg glut lifts