Festivus Games was designed so it wouldn’t be necessary to scale the events. Since 95% of the population is a novice, makes sense to have a competition where  no athlete, whether six months in or brand new, will need to scale any of the events. The competition is about capacity more than a high degree of skill. Everyone can row…just how fast? Everyone can deadlift..just how much?

Warm up 2 -3 x

 Bench Press x 5

10 box jumps 

 Warm up to challenging 5 and perform same weight across all 5 sets.

EMOM x 8:

EVEN – Pedlay rows  x 6-8 – MW
ODD – Strict Hanging Leg Raise to L x 8-12- just hang or knees to chest, break the bar/ use rings   

EMOM x 10:

EVEN – 6 Strict Handstand Push Ups or tap shoulder Push Ups + 20 Double Unders or 40 Singles Skips
ODD – 25 torso twists, kettle bell