Oh ya !! Best picture ever !

Warm up

STRENGTH : Option for C@J 5 push up, 5 jump squats 5 Kbell swings Every 2:00 for 18:00 (9 sets): *Sets 1-5: Clean and Jerk Managable effort for 5  *Sets 4-6: Clean and Jerk ME for 3  *Sets 7-9: Clean and Jerk for a 1 or 2 RM *May build up each set or pick one weight for each movement and stay with that for each set *Do NOT have to be touch and go *Can be Squat OR Power


“Sweat Fest #8”

12 Minute AMRAP 10 Handstand Push-ups 15 Kettlebell Swings @ (24/16) 20 Front Rack Kettlebell Walking Lunges  ACCESSORY 50 Pull-Ups in as few sets as possible rings, bands, standing band pulls, recline pulls