INCREDIBLE WORKSHOP WITH THE WORLD RENOWNED CHRISTINE GIRARD….Went around and cleaned everyone faculty movement patterns!




RCMP….Operational Conditioning Units, work out log book

workout #202


Warm up 


1 rm turkish get up ..... start 3 a side and go down from there   15 minutes

3 rds 15 reps of each

  1. O/Head BB stationer lunge
  2. Bent over Dbell rows
  3. Dbell Bench press
  4. Pull ups
  5. Single leg DL
  6. Seated Dbell shoulder press

WHY: resist fatigue, improve stamina and build a better base for training

RX – NO REST Between rounds

Scaled rest 1 min or less between rounds


2 min Metabolic Booster….. love this job

8 push ups and 8 air squats