Yup looks like someone is sitting down on the job and trying to get others

off there A game!


Warm up


Strength 6 sets

DBell Bulgarian split squats  5 sp. use small box or bench TEMPO 1/0/2 … Try banded as well

Perform a set of 5 tempo Ring Dips in between each set of split squats


3 rounds for Time:

500 Meter Row
21 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Deadlifts (BW)

WOD 2 

3 sets :
45 sec. DB HEX Hold
rest 15 secs.
45 secs . Db Bicep Curls (dbl ;keep it light and fast )
rest 15 Secs .
45 Sec. Mountain climbers
rest 15 secs