WARM UP – SURPRISE    25 x 25 meter shuttle run (25 meters down and 25 meters back is 1 rep) 3 feet in 1 meter or 1 large walking step 3 rounds for time

25 x 25 meter shuttle run (25 meters down and 25 meters back is 1 rep) 3 rounds for time

25 x 25 meter shuttle run (25 meters down and 25 meters back is 1 rep) 3 rounds for time

***Both partners work at the same time during the run but the goal is to perform 25 total reps between partners. i.e. one partner may perform 10 reps and the other 15 but when 25 total reps are completed between partners move onto next movement. ***Only 1 partner works at a time during all other movements ***Cap workout at 30 minutes