
Hollow rocks !!

Skill EMOM 12 minutes 
rope and rope climbs oh ya

WOD – 2 mins work 1 min rest (x5)
15-20 Med ball throw (over the shoulder)
15-20  Weighted box step ups, shoulders carry or farmer carry position
Jump rope – AMRAP double under practice or Single skips


Hollow rock Challenge

levels beginners to advanced …… we will go though the levels and find the level that works for you 5 min of work

  1. hollow holds hands around knees
  2. hollow holds hands away from knees
  3. hollow holds single leg reaches
  4. hollow holds single leg reach with arms up to cieling
  5. hollow holds single leg reach with arms behind head
  6. Hollow rock holds with both legs out and arms behind head
  7. Hollow body rocks
  8. hollow rocks with pull overs …..my favourite
  9. hollow rocks holds with weight plate on feet and hands