Warm up 

  1. dowel shoulder work 
  2. banded shoulder work 
  3. peanut release of forearms and lats 

Review from last week 

Skills progression for Pull ups for the beginner or a warm up for advanced to enhance their pull up position

first thing …engage lats while doing hollow rocks

Part 1  3 rds First thing …    If still having problems on rig go back to the floor with hollow rocks.

1.hollow rock hold 30 sec / 10-20 sec scaled

2. super man hold 30 sec 10-20 sec scaled

Take it to the rig

Part 2 In shoulder retraction 3rds

Part 3  3 rds of 3

5 Shoulder retraction ….. close and open your shoulder …wrap all fingers around the bar and thumb in front

5 lat pull downs with a band from a high position….. Tall peeps go on knees


  1. 10-35 lb weight stand and hold weight above head with a tucked in pelvis 30 sec, holding position from the picture 
  2. 10 presses into  downward dog
  3. 20 sec  straight arm lifts in prone position, tuck pelvis in
  4. 5 rolling compressions wide leg sit ups, goal keep heels down
  5. 10 seated straight leg lifts…. goal to get hands close to feet.   point toes and stay tight
  6. 10 seated wide straight leg lifts… keep hand in the centre
  7. options walk up wall keeping everything tight like in move 1.
  8. or try on a mat frog stands.
  9. push straight up from frog stand hold compression in the body, have a spotter to help, you hold.


Marine drive sprint and back…… find your best time !!