…Release tonight see you all there…..

Warm up 

BRING SALLY UP AND DOWN SONG  then  6 tempo push ups starting from the bottom 3/0/1 banded walks around knees 2 x  banded hand walks 2x  10 ps SLSA band pulls with shoulder rotation, protract and retract review snatch, beginners do not do full snatch, alternative is kettlebell plus squat jumps


Every 2 minutes  on Minute (SET UP EACH TIME) do 1 4-Position Snatch @65%(beginners do not do full snatch, alternative is kettlebell plus squat jumps)

CONDITIONING – Sweat fest #4

10 Minute AMRAP: 50  mountain climbers  40 Box Jump-overs (24/20) 30 KB Swings (Russian  50/35) 20 Burpee Wall Ball 10 ps single arm rows using KBELL