All the girls see everyone on Saturday at 5:30pm… Game face on at 8:00pm

Warm up 

cat cow, kneeling in lunge elbow opener

10 weight plate roll up to standing

10 reverse curls to weight plate push

10 ps single leg side plank elbow to knee

10 full plank bird dog 


 Tempo Front Squat

Tempo: 5/2/0
* 5 Seconds Down
* 2 Second Pause
* Aggressively Stand… this is the hard part 

Sets 1-3: 60%
Sets 4-6: 64%
Sets 7-9: 68%


3 Rounds: EMOM

1 Minute Wallballs (20/14)
1 Minute Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
1 Minute Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Minute Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks (50/35)
1 Minute Calorie Row
1 Minute Rest

Finisher if time 

3 Sets For Quality: (To be done before or after class)
:20 Second L-Sit
:30 Second Wall-Facing Handstand Hold
:40 Double Kettlebell Static Squat

Rest as Needed Between Sets






B.) 5 Rounds For Time

100 Meter Farmers Carry (53’s/35’s)
30 AbMat Sit-ups
5 Sandbag Cleans