We will be collecting money for the CFSS family in need

for a

save on foods card, phone card and canned and

imperishable food items.

 If everyone can donate a little this will go a long way.

Warm up


warm up and review cluster


Incline Bench Press 5 4 3 2 2

20 glut bridges/ weighted on not

wod FT

21 clusters   115/85 – 95/65
3 Rope Climbs
15 clusters
2 Rope Climbs
9 clusters
1 Rope Climb


21 clusters  @ manageable weight
15 Ring Rows or 2 lying down rope climbs or 20 sec hangs
15 clusters 
10 Ring Rows or 2 lying down rope climbs or 20 sec hangs
9 clusters 
5 Ring Rows or 2 lying down rope climbs or 20 sec hangs